Glasswing launches SanaMente program and unveils strategy to Central American government institutions and partner organizations
Published on April 25, 2023 by Glasswing
Central American government institutions and partner organizations
Glasswing Regional Health team members Maria Teresa Suarez, Ivonne Flores, and Ana Murga Echeverria unveiled the SanaMente program strategy to government institutions and partner organizations in Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, respectively, last week. Through the SanaMente program, Glasswing is training over 100,000 government frontline workers in Latin America – including teachers and school staff, healthcare personnel, and law enforcement officers – to understand the impact of stress and trauma on themselves and others, and acquire the skills to manage and heal. They learn this so they can better care for themselves, as well as those they serve, thus amplifying access to trauma-informed care at both the institutional and community levels. The SanaMente program is made possible by the funds catalyzed by The Audacious Project.