Meet Maria
Published on April 12, 2023 by Glasswing
My name is Maria. I came from Honduras with my two children and my partner. We fled a very ugly situation in my country, which forced us to leave. It was very hard to leave. It is hard to know you are originally from there, and you have an entire life there, with your family and everything. But one day I was forced to leave at dawn because of threats from gangs.
Thank God Mexico has opened their doors for us to be able to survive the past two years here. With Mexico’s help and Glasswing’s help, my life and my mind have returned to normal. I felt desperate and stunned, and I couldn’t figure out what to do. The classes, videos, and mental health support Glasswing has given us have helped me, my children, and my partner a lot. We are able to face life here while we wait for the borders to be opened. The whole idea is to keep moving forward for a better future for my children, so they can study. For the moment, I have not been able to put my children in school.
I hope that Glasswing can continue helping us to move forward. The programs and talks have helped us a lot. We watch videos about getting out of crisis, and sometimes sadness hits us. When I feel sad and remember my family, I take a sheet of paper and begin to draw. This helps a lot, because it allows me to relax my mind and think about the positive, about what we have ahead of us. As I said, thank you and thank God who put you in my path and the paths of my family and the other families here who are now.
The Calm Corners have helped me when I feel sad. This is “my corner,” the place where I can clear my mind and feel peace. Sometimes I read, sometimes I draw. There is enough material so we can read or draw for as long as we want. When sadness invades our minds, we cannot do it alone. We need someone, a word of encouragement, and that is what Glasswing does.