Meet Ingrid
Published on April 11, 2023 by Glasswing
Ingrid grew up in a violent home. Her father used to hit her mother, and he committed suicide when Ingrid was 14. After that, she went to live with her boyfriend. He didn’t treat her badly but he was involved in illicit groups, and she was exposed to his activities. One day, her partner was taken and disappeared, and she was left alone with her small children. Soon after, Ingrid ended up in prison, where she spent six and a half years.
Ingrid is grateful to her mother for supporting her three children, who became involved with Glasswing through school. The kids enjoy the different activities and are motivated to participate in the programs. Ingrid also participates in Cafe Comunitarios (Community Cafes), where she receives support and learns about topics that affect her life, such as different types of violence – whether physical, verbal or emotional. She recognizes that at times violence can be so normalized that it is difficult to identify. Engaging with the programs has helped her change her thinking and move forward with her life.
“I committed many mistakes in the past. It hasn’t been easy but thanks to God I reconsidered and learned from my mistakes,” she said. “I wish the best for my children. Sometimes I blame myself for not being the best mother. I don’t want them to go through what I did. I want them to be good people, to have a worthy life.”